Sunday, July 15, 2012

'Suites' of Jewelry

Well, it's summertime, and for me that means- low production. My 3 kids are off of school, and they like their mommy available at all times. Camp, pool, playdates and movies pretty much fill my days now. Oh, how I long to get downstairs to play!! Soon enough it will be September and things will be back as they should.

So, in the meantime, I get a smidgen of time on the weekends when my husband is home, and lots of time to plan! Having a break from production has it's benefits. It lets me think about how things went this year and how I can make improvements.

One thing I did in the last year or so was to re-photograph my current inventory of pieces into 'suites'. My intention was to group pieces together that seemed to 'go' together in order to try to persuade buyers to buy more than one piece.

The thing is, if you make jewelry, especially one-of-a-kind pieces, by grouping them together it sort of shows it's own logic- like you intended certain pieces to match or coordinate. Depending on how many pieces are grouped together, it can illustrate different 'lines' within your jewelry oeuvre. One additional benefit is it shows relative scale of pieces. And, it just plain looks good to have a grouping of jewelry- it makes it look like you are a 'full-serve' shop. 

This was an experiment that bears repeating. In addition to listing the suite photos in with the individual pieces of jewelry (so customers could see what pieces would go with the listed piece), I also listed each collection separately- such that if someone wanted to buy all pieces shown in the photo, they received a small discount. I can't say it fulfilled my goal of selling multiple items, because not one customer bought more than one piece, but it did increase sales!! In fact, within a short time, I had to remove every one of my discounted suite listings, because at least one item in each had been bought individually. Yes!!!

If you sell jewelry and want a tool to improve sales, you might want to try it!! Here's a look at the photo suites I photographed and listed:

Opal Suite

 Relic Suite

 Purple Suite

 White Opal Suite

 Encrusted Suite

 Purple Opal Suite

 Yellow Suite

Turquoise Suite

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